Laura King checks in with Table Talk Live after her working Group win with Stryker Friday in Houston #TableTalk #TableTalkLive! #CanineChronicle #CanineChronicleTV #HoustonWorldSeriesOfDogShows

Laura King checks in with Table Talk Live after her working Group win with Stryker Friday in Houston #TableTalk #TableTalkLive! #CanineChronicle #CanineChronicleTV #HoustonWorldSeriesOfDogShows
Dylan Kipp Keith visits wit Deb Cooper about J.D. the Boxer’s Working Group win at The Houston Cluster Thursday Show. #TableTalk #TableTalkLive! #CanineChronicle #CanineChronicleTV #HoustonWorldSeriesOfDogShows
AKC Judge Pam Bruce goes over her placements in the Working Group! Orlando, FL, Orange County Convention Center, December 15, 2019. ____________________________________ #tabletalklive #caninechronicletv #caninechronicle #akcnationalchampionship #royalcanin
Working Group, Del Valle Dog Club of Livermore – Sunday, October 21, 2018