Will’s Time Capsule – Clifford Hallmark

Will Alexander has an in-depth conversation with Enid & George Wright about one of the greats, Clifford Hallmark. If you would like to contact Will you can email him at dogshowtips@gmail.com ___________________________________________ #caninechronicletv #thecaninechronicle #caninechroniclemagazine #CanineChronicle #cookedtoPerfection #whatsfordinner #whatscookin #NotMyFirstDogShow…

Will’s Time Capsule – Barbara Keenan

An in-depth conversation with Patty Keenan about one of the greatest breeders in history. ___________________________________________ #caninechronicletv #thecaninechronicle #caninechroniclemagazine #cookedtoperfection #whatsfordinner #whatscookin #CanineChronicle #CanineChronicleTV #NotMyFirstDogShow #HomeWithCanineChronicle #VirtualDogShow #ClosetConfidential #AKC #WKCdogshow #greatdogbreeders